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Engaging and Registering Central PA voters in 2024

SAVE THE DATE as we welcome Kadida Kenner, CEO of the New Pennsylvania Project (NPP), to speak on the efforts of this voting rights organization. NPP has a year-round primary focus on voter registration, civic education and mobilization. NPP centers historically disenfranchised and often neglected Black, Indigenous and other people of color, immigrant communities, and the youth in their work. Through civic engagement, NPP ensures all eligible voters feel compelled to exercise their freedom to vote in the Commonwealth. 

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Kadida Kenner is the founding chief executive officer of both the New PA Project Education Fund (C3) and the New Pennsylvania Project (C4). Kadida is a tireless advocate for social and economic justice issues, and is motivated to empower and excite the electorate to enthusiastically vote in every election -- all the way down the entire ballot. Kadida has led efforts to stop the passage of a judicial gerrymandering constitutional amendment, raise the minimum wage, fairly fund public education, protect federal courts from problematic judicial nominees, and protect the state courts from extremist attempts to undermine their independence.  

Kadida also serves as co-chair of Why Courts Matter - Pennsylvania, an advocacy project seeking to protect the independence of our state and federal courts, and educate the electorate about their importance. 

Prior to working in issue advocacy, Kadida was a director, producer and writer for HBCU sports television programming - both live and scripted television in Charlotte, North Carolina and Atlanta, Georgia. The Temple University graduate resides in the Philly suburbs and counts civil rights organizing icon, and West Chester, Pennsylvania native Bayard Rustin as one of her civil rights heroes.

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More information about the New Pennsylvania Project can be found here:

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July 20


August 10

Neighborhood Fun Day and Back to School Celebration